✔️ 5+ snacks from various different countries
✖️ No drink included in this box
✔️ Try new flavours every month
✔️ Info on snacks
🚀 Shipping is free for addresses in the United Kingdom
£ 8.99 / month (Auto renews)
📦 Boxes are sent out the first week of each month
⛔ Cancel/Pause subscription at anytime
✔️ 10+ snacks from various different countries
✔️ 1 drink included in box
✔️ Try new flavours every month
✔️ Info on snacks
🚀 Shipping is free for addresses in the United Kingdom
From £ 14.49 / month (Auto renews)
📦 Boxes are sent out the first week of each month
⛔ Cancel/Pause subscription at anytime
✔️ 10+ snacks from various different countries x2 (Basically you get double of everything from the classic box)
✔️ 2 drinks included in box
✔️ Try new flavours every month
✔️Info on snacks
🚀 Shipping is free for addresses in the United Kingdom
👍 Starting at £ 24.49 / month (Auto renews)
📦 Boxes are sent out the first week of each month
⛔ Cancel/Pause subscription at anytime